new year, same me (mostly)
12:08:00 PMI never really do New Year's resolutions, or at least not in a serious way. It's a nice idea, but I always end up giving myself impossible standards and then get mad at myself for not keeping my resolutions. But, I decided this year, I need it. 2016 was very strange - a lot of bad and some good. In fact, the past couple of years have usually been a lot of negative with one giant positive. I recognize that some of this is because of myself and my own outlook, and I am in control of that. So, I'd like to set a nice tone for 2017. A lot of these are things that I have already been working on, but I guess it's best to just get it down in writing at the beginning of the year.
1. Be more present. Stop worrying about the future.
2. Be kinder to myself & take better care of myself.
3. Set aside more time for Peter.
4. Meditate.
5. Go back to Yoga more often. I was much happier and calmer when I was practicing on a regular basis.
On top of that, I will be kicking off my year with a sober January.
Happy New Year!