80 Things I Learned in a Graduate Acting Program
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I've been writing down/collecting little notes from all my notebooks this summer and reflecting on things I learned during school. Sometimes time went so quickly that I was unable to really process what I was doing or learning, so it's been helpful to let it digest a bit. Here is a short list of some things that kind of, you know, changed my life and how I view acting and stuff.
- Mediocrity is boring.
- I can reinvent the rules; always tempt the edges of what I am doing.
- Don’t take things personally.
- When I feel off-balance, use it. Don’t fix it. Don’t get my shit together, and then speak.
- Silence is powerful, but is deadly if it isn’t filled.
- When in doubt, put it on a diagonal.
- When in doubt, viewpoint.
- I own time and space; I am a warrior of energy and space.
- Don’t play the problem, play the solution.
- Always ask for what I need.
- Don’t piss away my entrance.
- Master the art of an elegant apology.
- Take it out of my head, and put it into my body.
- Punctuation is a guide, not a prison.
- The feeling has to go out to the audience, or else who the fuck cares?
- Know how I behave, and own it.
- I have to be a very large vessel for uncomfortability.
- I can never be specific enough. Clear away the clutter. Clarity.
- Don’t be collapsed by the emotions, be energized by the emotions.
- Let the images change me.
- Don’t do acting shit – don’t go into “acting land.”
- Act better.
- Acting is hard.
- Don’t try to be interesting.
- It is much more interesting to be messy, less organized, and more connected to our true selves.
- I will always be connected if I think into my feet and into the ground.
- Build resilience through frustration.
- Nerves are a good thing.
- Don’t get trapped into one point of view.
- I need to have a very fine-tuned bullshit meter.
- Merry Mary married hairy Harry on a fantastic ferry.
- Just try shit out.
- Theatre exists to hold a mirror up to society.
- Theatre exists to create empathy.
- Theatre exists to ask questions. Not answer them.
- My job is to tell the truth.
- Always choose the positive over the negative.
- I am enough.
- Stay open. To everything.
- Don’t let my face substitute for a lack of inner connection.
- Fuck with the audience.
- Don’t be afraid of conflict.
- The enemy to being an artist is habit.
- Always have fun.
- Follow through on impulses.
- Don’t play the ending.
- Conversation can kill a rehearsal.
- Take responsibility for what the audience sees.
- Be bold.
- Slow. The. Fuck. Down.
- Civilization is restraint.
- Less can be more.
- Always make it about the other person.
- If you like it a lot, it’s probably wrong.
- No one thinks they are the bad guy.
- Love is a form of madness and ecstasy (thx Sarah Kane).
- I cannot play emotion, only action.
- Nothing is black and white. Most things live in a grey area.
- Taking time for myself does not equal being selfish.
- Eat well, work out, and get enough sleep.
- I cannot act in a vacuum.
- And on that note, collaboration is key.
- Don’t be a dick.
- Listen. And respond.
- Learn to be okay with looking like an idiot.
- Vulnerability is everything.
- Mind + middle + mouth.
- Never stop asking questions.
- Characters closest to who I am are the toughest.
- Act before I think.
- Don't make it too academic.
- Relax to be sensitized, not comfortable.
- Language is incredibly visceral if you open yourself to the words and the sounds.
- Don't feel the need to be a good student.
- huh-huh-mmm-mfa.
- What Would James Do?
- Flatter + Faster.
- Keep a list of roles I want to play. Know what actors are playing those roles.
- Somebody else's success is not my failure.
- The Troll Club will probably be the highlight of my acting career.
[Some of these are direct quotes from class with Anne Bogart, Kristin Linklater, Andrea Haring, Andrei Serban, James Calleri & Gregory Mosher. My deepest gratitude to everyone at Columbia for forcing me to be outside my comfort zone 24/7 for the last 3 years of my life and for introducing me to the best theatre community I could have asked for.]