the capsule wardrobe for actors

For any of you that have spent any time with my recently, you have heard me talking non-stop about this trendy new thing called the ...

For any of you that have spent any time with my recently, you have heard me talking non-stop about this trendy new thing called the "capsule wardrobe." It's actually a term that's been around for a few decades, but it has recently become the hot new thing for young professionals (or actors) with little time to think about what to wear but still want to look fabulous (a.k.a. everyone in new york). Basically, it's a minimal wardrobe with a certain number of pieces for three months at a time, and you are only allowed to shop at the beginning of each new capsule (click HERE for the best guide for really starting one). I haven't quite gotten it down to the exact number I should, but I've seriously minimized my wardrobe and I now love every piece in my closet. Here are a few thoughts on the process so far.

It will take more time to actually do it than you thought.

It took me several days to really narrow down everything and I still haven't fully finished because I'm the worst. The best advice I have found for your first capsule is to take everything out of your closet and look at it on your bed. If it's a definite yes, put it back in the closet. If it's a maybe, put it aside for now. If it's a no, donate it, etc. I had A LOT of maybe's, and a lot of them are now stored under my bed. But it took me a long, long time to decide exactly what maybe's were actually no's, which ones I wanted to add into the daily wardrobe, and which one's would be stored away to maybe switch out in three months. So, if you're going to do it, understand that it will definitely be a process - but you won't regret it.

My entire wardrobe is now my audition wardrobe.

I got rid of a lot of shitty clothes that either made me feel terrible or were old or just didn't fit me right. Things that I held onto for too long because I spent money of them and felt guilty for getting rid of them. As an actor, I feel it's important to have clothes that not only look good on me, but make me feel my best. By the time I really narrowed everything down, I realized that the clothes I ended up keeping were my best clothes, in the best colors, with the best fits - which all happen to be great for auditioning. This has helped me tremendously - picking out outfits for auditions is so easy (probably would be great for headshot sessions, too!), and I can move freely from audition to work to happy hour without having to change much - except maybe my shoes or make-up. 

A lot of us actors are also incredibly poor (surprise, surprise), so having most of my pieces work for auditions saves me a ton of money in the long run. I also had a lot of help from Jessica over at Inherent Style, who helped me figure out my color palette, which styles look best on me, and my overall essence and everyday style. I wear a lot less black now (but you know I still wear that black leather motorcycle jacket), which helps me stand out in the audition room when every other person is wearing black, black, black. I only shop within the guidelines I found with Jessica - and I feel great all the time. Check her out HERE

I spend A LOT less time getting ready in the morning.

This was the biggest reason I tried this whole wardrobe. I spent way too much time trying to decide what to wear in the morning, and being overwhelmed by my choices (first world problems, I know). I have a serious impulse shopping problem, so I always had way too much in my closet which I only wore once or twice, if at all. Seeing all those things in front of me, I'd get frustrated and overwhelmed and end up wearing the same shit anyway. Now, I look in my closet which is maybe half-full, and I can easily pick anything and be happy with what I'm wearing for the day, which has probably cut down my "getting ready" time in half. I don't even get tired of wearing the same thing over and over again, because I'm mixing and matching in new ways now, too. 


One of the biggest things I can't speak to yet is if it saves money or not. I am only in the first three months so I haven't had enough time to really figure that out, and I ended up having to spend some money this time around for showcase, and some new summer clothes since I didn't seem to have much. So, I can't speak much to that. But so far, it has been incredibly positive, and I hope I can really get the numbers down completely for my next capsule. Overall, I HIGHLY recommend trying this out if you're an actor - less time figuring out what to wear, more time focusing on all the other shit we have to do. 


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