actor resolutions
3:34:00 PMBasically, I learned a lot (surprise, surprise). I've had to come to terms with my own faults. But I also have learned to love and value things that I have to offer the world that maybe other people don't. For the first time in my life, I am learning how to be vulnerable and open as a person and on stage.
I cut out all meat from my diet, and then eventually added fish back in. I work out more than I ever have before, and definitely want to continue both trends in my life. My physical health has improved my mental and emotional health, and I am so grateful I was able to make these changes in my life. I feel more present as an actor because of these changes, too.
I fell in love with New York City, finally, and I'm not sure I will ever leave.
Columbia has kept me going for most of 2014. I've learned now more than ever that who I am on stage will never be separate from who I am in life. I need to come to terms with who I am, and figure out what I want to SAY, before I can actually be an artist. And I am so fortunate that I have been given the time to figure that out, and that I'm actually figuring it out. That alone is worth the time, money, and insane lack of sleep. I am so thankful for my CUGA2016 family, and our mentors and teachers who push us to be our best everyday. Not really sure where I would be right now without any of them.
Through all this, I'm trying to come up with some resolutions, but I'm failing. I tried to think of some more me as an actor, and me as a human being. But, I think Good Fucking Design Advice has said it best, so I'm stealing from them this year - with some minor edits (
"Believe in your fucking self. Stay up all fucking night. Work outside of your fucking habits. Know when to fucking speak up. Fucking collaborate. Don't fucking procrastinate. Get over your fucking self. Keep fucking learning. Find fucking inspiration everywhere. Fucking network. Trust your fucking gut. Ask for fucking help. Make it fucking sustainable. Question fucking everything. Learn to take some fucking criticism. Use fucking spell check. Do your fucking research. The problem contains the fucking solution. Think about all the fucking possibilities."