twenty sixteen: part 1

Over the past 6-7 months, I've been shooting footage of my every day life. Mostly ordinary stuff. I was hoping to give people a brief gl...

Over the past 6-7 months, I've been shooting footage of my every day life. Mostly ordinary stuff. I was hoping to give people a brief glimpse into me and what's been going on. Below is the video I created for the first half of 2016, with a part 2 to follow at the end of this year. It isn't perfect. Obviously, it was difficult for me to always have my camera for everything, and I definitely missed some big moments (my graduation, in class, more showcase stuff and Othello). My exhaustion got the better of me sometimes and I just didn't have the energy to get any video of what was going on. But I actually kind of like that it's a bit more mundane - nothing too spectacular. It makes me appreciate the things and people in my life. I hope I can gather even more awesome stuff for part 2.


twenty sixteen: part 1 from Brynne McManimie on Vimeo.

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